
Note: All Oral Defenses MUST be held on campus.
To graduate in 2024 Fall
Preparation period: 
Now ~ 2024/9/1

To graduate in 2025 Spring
Preparation period: 
Now ~ 2025/2/16
  • Consider taking "Thesis Writing" (GMBA7142)
  • Consider attending the Thesis Workshop
  • Register "Master Thesis" (749 M0010)
To graduate in 2024 Fall 
Submission period:
2024/9/2 ~ 2024/9/12

To graduate in 2025 Spring
Submission period:
2025/2/17 ~ 2025/2/26

The filenames should be “StudentID_ThesisProposalApproval.docx” and     "StudentID_AdvisorAgreement.pdf".

To graduate in 2024 Fall 
Application period:
2024/9/18 ~2024/11/25

To graduate
in 2025 Spring
Application period:
  • Make sure to complete 39 credits before/in the graduating semester.
  • Prepare your transcript (StudentID_Transcript.pdf, sample) to check the total credits you’ve gained.
  • Prepare a course selection result screenshot (StudentID_CourseSelection.pdf, sample) to confirm you are taking Master Thesis(GMBA7999) with enough credits. 
  • Login to MyNTU to fill out the “NTU Application Form for Thesis/Dissertation Application” and download it. Please have it signed by your advisor(s). Scan the signed form and save it as “StudentID_NTUApplicationForm.pdf”(sample).
  • Make sure you have made thesis progress. We provide guidance on this page

  • Please ensure that you have taken the NTU Ethics course and have received the Academic Ethics Course Certificate (StudentID_AcademicEthics.pdf, sample)

  • Submit the above documents to complete Step 2 in the GMBA graduation system (Fall 2024). Please wait for approval from the GMBA Office.

To graduate
in 2024 Fall
Complete oral defense before 2025/1/22
To graduate
in 2025 Spring
Complete oral defense before 2025/7/23
  • The GMBA's internal deadline for oral defense is 1 (ONE) week prior to the NTU deadline.
  • Due to the Chinese New Year Break between 1/24 and 2/3, the GMBA internal deadline in Fall 2024 moves to 2025/1/22. 
Min. of 10 days
prior to
Oral Defense Date
  • Confirm with your advisor regarding the oral defense committee members, date and venue. Check here for more guidelines.

Min. of  7 days
prior to
Oral Defense Date
  • Submit your thesis to your advisor and the committee members in soft or hard copy based on their request.

  • Follow up with your committee to ensure that they have received it.

  • Complete Step 3 in the GMBA graduation system (Fall 2024) and submit your oral defense application. Check here for more guidelines.

Min. of 2~5 days before
Oral Defense Date
  1. Master Thesis Acceptance Certificate (sample)
  2. Thesis Oral Defense Grade Form (sample)
  3. Advisor, Thesis Examination, and Transportation Pay list (sample)
  4. Global MBA Masters’ Thesis Examination Board (sample)
  5. Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison & POD Checklist (sample)
  • Check the air-conditioning with the Receiving Room on 1/F if needed.

  • Get the formal appointment certificate and free parking tickets from the GMBA Office for non-NTU committee members.

  • Prepare or borrow a laptop, clicker, and Type C to Type A converter, PPT file, PPT slide printouts, your thesis, pens, memo paper, snacks/lunchbox, and drinks/water. Check here for more guidelines.

On the Oral Defense Date
  • Bring the above stuff (laptop, clicker…etc), and arrive at the venue early to
    set up and test everything.

  • Present your thesis and answer questions. Take note of all the advice and requested amendments.

  • Ask the advisor and the committee members to sign:

To graduate
in 2024 Fall 
Before 2025/2/4
To graduate
in 2025 Spring 
Before 2025/7/31
  • Amend the thesis and get approval from your advisor(s).
  1. Upload the amended thesis to the designated NTU COOL Turnitin Assignment space for the Thesis Originality Check.
  2. Download the Turnitin report.
  3. Fill in the percentage of the similarity score in the Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison. Ask your advisor to sign the form. (signed sample)
  4. Self-check the final version of your thesis by following the POD Checklist. Sign the checklist when all requirements are met. (signed sample)
NTU graduation deadline
To graduate
in 2024 Fall 

To graduate
in 2025 Spring 


Complete the GMBA Graduation Exit Survey before the deadline set in the GMBA Graduation System.