Global MBA is an English-taught program aimed to incubate future business leaders across the borders. To apply Global MBA, you must have bachelor’s degree or equivalent, 2 years working experiences, and fluent English capability. For the application components, please refer to the table below. However, the most up to date information will always be found in the application itself. Students must apply through Government’s or NTU’s online application systems to be considered for the Global MBA.
Application Components
Proof of 
Work Experience
Proof of
Transcript English CV Identification Application
Payment of
V V V V V V V V V V V Optional
Local V V V V V V V V V V - Optional
V V V V V V V V V V - Optional
V V V V V V V V V - V Optional

*If you have any questions regarding which category to apply, please contact Global MBA office.

Graduation Certificate
Copy of the highest degree's graduation certificate is a must. If the graduation certificate is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
Proof of Work Experience
To prove that applicants have at least two (2) years of working experiences.
Proof of English Proficiency
Proof of English proficiency can be waived for applicants who are from English-speaking countries or have gained graduation certificates from English-speaking countries (check the table below)*. For other applicants, TOEFL, IELTS, or TOEIC taken within two years of the application deadline is preferred. The institution code for GMBA program in TOEFL exam system is 8537. For the language proficiency requirements, please see the NTU OIA

*Countries that are recognized as English speaking country by NTU
Country name in Chinese Country name in English
澳大利亞 Australia
巴哈馬 Bahamas
巴貝多 Barbados
貝里斯 Belize
波紮那 Botswana
加拿大 Canada
多明尼克 Dominica
密克羅尼西亞聯邦 Federated States of Micronesia
斐濟 Fiji
甘比亞 Gambia
迦納 Ghana
格瑞納達 Grenada
蓋亞那 Guyana
愛爾蘭 Ireland
牙買加 Jamaica
肯亞 Kenya
史瓦帝尼王國 Kingdom of Eswatini
賴索托 Lesotho
賴比瑞亞 Liberia
馬拉威 Malawi
納米比亞共和國 Namibia
諾魯 Nauru
紐西蘭 New Zealand
奈及利亞 Nigeria
菲律賓 Philippines
聖克里斯多福及尼維斯聯邦     Saint Kitts and Nevis
聖盧西亞 Saint Lucia
聖文森及格瑞那丁 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines     
薩摩亞 Samoa
塞席爾共和國 Seychelles
獅子山 Sierra Leone
新加坡 Singapore
索羅門群島 Solomon Islands
南非 South Africa
南蘇丹共和國 South Sudan (Republic of)
千里達及托巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago
吐瓦魯 Tuvalu
烏干達 Uganda
英國 United Kingdom
坦尚尼亞聯合共和國 United Republic of Tanzania
美國 United States of America
萬那杜 Vanuatu
尚比亞 Zambia
辛巴威 Zimbabwe

A full transcript of records aligned with the submitted graduation certificate, including the explanation of grading system are required. If the transcript is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is a must.
English CV/Personal Profile

Following the instruction of different application systems for international students, local students, overseas Chinese or Mainland Chinese, personal profile will be requested to upload by a separate file or to key-in over the system. A photograph in color, less than 6 months old, showing a close-up shot of the head and shoulders, and without wearing a hat will be requested as well.
Following application system instructions, your passport or Taiwan Alien Resident Certificate will be requested to turn in.
Application Essay
Essay questions are listed below. It is highly recommended that you prepare your questions and answers in an A4 size, Calibri Light 12, double-spaced format. One question per page plus a cover page with your full name.


Please describe a situation in which others with whom you were working as a team disagree with your ideas. How did you deal with this situation? In retrospect, is there anything you would have done differently?

Please describe reasons for pursuing MBA program at this point in your life? Please specifically state why you choose NTU Global MBA.

Please describe your short-term and long-term career goals.  How will NTU Global MBA enable you to meet these goals?

Please describe how you can effectively balance your work, family obligations, and Global MBA studies while ensuring active class participation and meeting the attendance policy, which states an absence rate over 25% will result in a failing grade.

Recommendation Letters
Two English or Chinese recommendation letters are required. An online recommendation is also possible for international and also local applicants.
Proof of Application Fee Payment
The receipt copy of the application fee payment is required. Please upload to the application system when the payment is done.
Financial Statement

Scholarship awardees shall provide a proof of scholarship. Others many provide a bank statement showing at least TWD200,000 (+-US$6,000) in savings deposit on the applicants' names. However it is acceptable to replace it with a form of "Guarantee of Financial Support" and a bank statement in the supporter's name. 
Declaration and Authorization Form
International and local applicants are required to upload the Declaration and Authorization Form which can be found and downloaded from the online application system during the application period. 
Other Materials
GMAT or GRE is strongly recommended. Any other documents that may support or highlight your candidacy are welcomed. The institution code for GMBA program in GRE exam system is 1823. In GMAT system, the SCHOOL is College of Management (ID: G85-ND) and the code for Global MBA is G85-ND-95.