Joe Zhankan Li, Class of 2017
Joe Zhankan Li, Class of 2017

GMBA Alumni Interview: Joe Zhankan Li, Class of 2017

Joe Zhankan Li(李湛侃), NTU Global MBA Class of 2017, born in China but raised in the Netherlands. Currently residing in Japan, I work as a UI/UX designer on a B2B e-commerce platform. In addition to my designer role, I express my passion for economics by writing columns and books in Chinese language, specifically in Taiwan(時報出版). I am honored to contribute to our upcoming newsletter and share some highlights of my journey since graduating in 2017.

My NTU Global MBA Journey

I enrolled in the GMBA program in 2015, driven by the outstanding reputation of National Taiwan University and my admiration for Taiwan as a Chinese-speaking democratic country and a technology giant. Seeking a more robust academic foundation, I saw the GMBA program as the ideal opportunity to immerse myself in Taiwan's culture while pursuing my academic goals.

Beyond Knowledge: Becoming a Team Player and Leader:

While acquiring business knowledge was undoubtedly valuable, the GMBA experience went beyond that for me. Previously a data analyst (and solo player), I learned the essence of teamwork and leadership at GMBA. Through the program, I honed my skills in leading teams, delegating tasks, and synthesizing diverse ideas into cohesive narratives. This transformation remains my most significant gain from the two years in GMBA. Even to this day, I often recall the late nights spent with my GMBA classmates discussing business cases. Those were the nights when we brainstormed, collected ideas, and compiled them into a logically robust presentation. These experiences were crucial training for me as both a team player and leader, and I am very much grateful for those experiences.

Publishing my Second Book:

In 2024, I proudly published my second book 《資本主義的倫理力量》. This book explores a topic that I consider highly relevant in the contemporary world. The book challenges prevailing negative perceptions of capitalism and advocate for its virtues as an efficient wealth creator and cultivator of fundamental human values. Drawing from historical evidence, this new book argues that societies derived from capitalism have fared considerably better. My time in Taiwan and the experiences gained in GMBA played a crucial role in establishing connections with Taiwanese publishers, facilitating the publication of my work. For those interested, you can find my book in the below URL.

Advice for Future Students:

To future GMBA students, I offer a piece of advice. Taiwan's growing influence as a technology hub and Asian gateway presents a unique opportunity for career advancement. The prestigious NTU, coupled with the GMBA program's rich resources, provides a springboard to the industry and other Asian countries. Seize these opportunities, leverage the resources available, and extend your career horizons.

Thank you, NTU GMBA, for shaping my academic and professional journey. I am grateful for the experiences and connections that continue to influence my life positively.