GMBA welcome back party Fall 2020
GMBA welcome back party Fall 2020

On the Saturday evening of September 19, 2020, GMBA Student Council hosted its annual Welcome Back Party, and it was a great success. Students from our newest batch joined in with current students as well as alumni to celebrate GMBA OHANA (our GMBA family). 

The Welcome Back Party event was hosted at a festive Mongolian BBQ restaurant where everyone could eat their fill of unlimited rounds of BBQ meat, veggies, and appetizers. There were also various drink options available for everyone to enjoy. Everyone was able to eat, drink, and be merry. 

The event was loud, fun, and full of joyous conversations. Alumni were seen connecting with new students. Current students were catching up with alumni who had recently graduated. And overall, there was a great amount of reconnecting with old friends and meeting new friends. Students eagerly chatted about what trips they had gone on this summer as well as what their thoughts were on this semester’s courses. Alumni shared their recent ventures and job experiences. Many students were seen moving from table to table in order to greet and chat with as many friends as possible. With over 60 people in attendance, at all times, you could always find a group of friends laughing and chatting. 

During this time when most of the world is still very restricted due to COVID-19, GMBA feels very grateful to be able to host this type of large social event. These events are so important to the GMBA family as it allows us to enjoy each other’s company outside of school or work obligations. We are able to eat and chat about our personal lives and share wonderful memories with each other. 

As the night died down, everyone took a picture with the iconic GMBA flag, so we can preserve this moment in our memories. This is the start of a new and exciting semester, and we look forward to more events to come!

(Written by GMBA second year Lea Nowack)