What is L.I.V.E.?
It stands for Leadership, Innovation, Vision and Entrepreneurship. They are the mindset and skills today’s aspiring leaders need to succeed in business. The LIVE series invites speakers offering real-world insights on key challenges and opportunities.
LIVE is a student-led initiative of the Global MBA at National Taiwan University, produced for Taipei’s business community.
GMBA LIVE Event: A Dialogue With Entrepreneurs
The latest LIVE Event was held on March 29th at NTU and covered the Taiwanese HORECA industry. The event panel consisted of four speakers within the industry.
The first speaker was Carlos Couto, the owner and founder of Tuga, a Portuguese restaurant that is the largest importer of Portuguese wine in Taiwan. He discussed many of the hurdles he has had to overcome to set up Tuga. From finding the right location to the ambiance to the menu to the stocking of inventory (wine), he expressed how difficult it is to be in the restaurant business. The greatest take away from his speech was his principle that you should never serve to customers what you wouldn’t eat or drink yourself.
The second speaker was Wayne Lin, founder, and chief of Make My Day Cooking Lab. Wayne talked about his main target customers ranging from tourists to Japanese wives living in Taiwan as well as the main courses he offers; traditional Taiwanese dishes and Italian dishes. He shared that he is close to maxing out at his current capacity and hopes to begin selling some of his own products at his location to pair alongside his cooking classes.
The third speaker was Stevi Chen, founder of BS and Drink coffee shop. Stevi warned of all the expenses that go into setting up a café and how you really have to be passionate about what you do in order to succeed in the industry. Stevi was generous enough to hand out some of her own packaged instant coffee with attendees to take home and try.
The last speaker on the panel was Morgan Boudet, founder and manager of Triangle Bar and Blue Rooster restaurant. Morgan talked about how his experiences led him to acquire Triangle bar and his thoughts on how to not only run a successful bar but a successful business. Morgan expressed that what you want is not always what the customer wants and that you need to be following and listening to what they want above all else.
Overall, the speakers were very engaging and each spoke passionately of what they do. Many of them warned of the difficulties but also shared their successes and the lessons they have learned from being entrepreneurs in one of the most difficult industries around.
GMBA LIVE Event: 傾聽創業者的心路歷程
文: GMBA辦公室
英文撰寫者: GMBA一年級 石天寧 Dana Shires
最新一期的LIVE Event已於3月29日在台大管理學院隆重舉辦,本次的活動主題是關於台灣的horeca餐飲產業。LIVE Event活動籌畫小組很榮幸能邀請到四位在台灣經營餐廳的中外人士,讓他們來跟與會者一同分享在台從事餐飲服務業的心路歷程。
第一位來賓的是Carlos Couto先生,他是台北一間葡萄牙餐廳Tuga的現任經營者與創店元老,同時也是台灣最大的葡萄牙酒品的進口商。他談到在設立Tuga餐廳時所需克服的障礙,例如找尋地點、經營氛圍、研發菜單與確保葡萄酒的庫存。他表示經營餐飲業一向有很多困難,但他個人所堅持的也是他從多年來的失敗經驗中所獲得的最重要的法則: 絕不提供連自己都無法下嚥的食物給客人。
第二位來賓是Make My Day烹飪實驗室的創始人兼廚師Wayne Lin先生,Wayne的主要客群包括來台旅遊的遊客或是遠嫁至台灣的日本妻子。目前他的餐廳所提供的教學課程包括傳統的台灣菜餚與義大利菜餚,未來他希望能將自己餐廳的特色菜單與烹飪教室的教學做整合。
第三位來賓是BS and Drink咖啡店的創始人Stevi Chen小姐。 Stevi以自己投資咖啡館的資金分配與經驗為例,他提醒大家除了必須把關所有投入的金額外,更要對創業的過程保有持續的熱情,這樣成功的機會才會大大提昇。 現場Stevi也非常慷慨的帶來一些自己製作的速溶咖啡給與會者帶回家品嘗。
最後一位來賓是Triangle酒吧和Blue Rooster餐廳的創始人兼經理Morgan Boudet先生。Morgan談及自己當初決定收購Triangle酒吧,以及他不僅想經營一間受歡迎的酒吧,更要成為一位成功的業務的心情蛻變。Morgan表示,我們想要的並不總是客戶想要的, 因此我們要時常關注並傾聽客戶真正最想要的東西。
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