What is L.I.V.E.?
It stands for Leadership, Innovation, Vision and Entrepreneurship. They are the mindset and skills today’s aspiring leaders need to succeed in business. The LIVE series invites speakers offering real-world insights on key challenges and opportunities.
LIVE is a student-led initiative of the Global MBA at National Taiwan University, produced for Taipei’s business community.
GMBA L.I.V.E Event:Managing the Tide: Foreign Trade and Commerce Offices in Taiwan
October sees yet another successful L.I.V.E (Leadership, Innovation, Vision, Entrepreneurship) event hosted by NTU’s GMBA! The conversation this time around, titled ‘Managing the Tide: Foreign Trade and Commerce Offices in Taiwan’, is centered around the highly relevant topic of Taiwan’s international trade and business and took place in the grand GIS Convention Center on the NTU campus. We were incredibly lucky to have five esteemed guest speakers grace the panel that night.
Christian Fuchssteiner, director of the Austrian Commercial Office, started off the night with a bang by delivering a presentation loaded with interesting facts and information about bilateral trade and the popular vacation destination of the Taiwanese people in Austria. Eliza Chui, deputy director and senior trade and investment commissioner of the Australian Office, enlightened us not only with pertinent information regarding Taiwan/Australian relations, but also warmly extended invites to fun, exciting cultural events hosted by the Australian Office here in Taiwan. Yachien Huang, executive director of the Australia and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, added to the conversation on Australia with her own insights in her lively, engaging presentation style.
Executive director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, Steven Parker, somehow managed to impart information regarding Taiwan/UK relations while keeping the audience laughing throughout the entirety of his presentation. Last but not least, Don Shapiro, the senior director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, wowed us with decades worth of experience garnered within the industry.
The audience consisted of not only GMBA students, but exchange students, faculty members, and people from outside the NTU community as well. All were impressed by the speakers’ knowledge and experience and many stayed behind after the event, eager for a chance to talk to the speakers one on one. It was a wonderfully enlightening experience for all those involved and sets the bar high for subsequent L.I.V.E events to come!
中英文: GMBA 陳依瑾、二年級趙琳
GMBA學生會在10月4日成功完成今年另一場的L.I.V.E(Leadership, Innovation, Vision, Entrepreneurship)Event!這次的LIVE非常幸運地邀請到五位受人尊敬的演講嘉賓來到台大集思GIS會議中心進行分享,今日的分享的主題是【Managing the Tide: Foreign Trade and Commerce Offices in Taiwan】涵蓋了台灣的國際經濟與商業貿易等相關議題。
首先,奧地利商務代表辦事處的執行長Christian Fuchssteiner先生的開場相當具震撼,也成功吸引會眾的目光。他這次帶來有關台灣與奧地利雙邊貿易的最新資訊,同時也提到最受台灣人喜愛的奧地利渡假聖地等相關的有趣統計。其次,澳洲駐台辦事處副主任兼高級貿易投資專員的Eliza Chui女士不僅向我們提供有關台灣與澳洲雙方合作關係的相關信息,她還熱情地邀請GMBA全體參加未來由澳洲駐台辦事處所舉辦的各項有趣的文化活動。緊接在後的台北市澳洲紐西蘭商會的執行主任Yachien Huang女士,她以生動又引人入勝的演講風格補充說明之前Eliza Chui女士未提及的其他關於兩國的最新消息。
第四位講者是台北英僑商務協會的執行長Steven Parker先生,他的幽默風趣感染了整個會場,所以當他在講述有關台灣與英國之間的關係時,台下觀眾不時報以熱烈的掌聲與笑聲。最後是台北市美國商會的資深主任Don Shapiro先生,他數十年如一日的在耕耘台美雙邊商務事宜所累積的資歷與經驗都讓我們為之驚嘆。
Email: ntugmba@ntu.edu.tw
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Fax: +886-2-3366-5411
Room 903, Building I, College of Management,
No. 1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106,