The Asian Business Consulting(ABC) program is a collaborative effort developed by the KAIST College of Business (Korea), the Prasetiya Mulya Business School (Indonesia), and National Taiwan University. This program is designed to provide students from these three institutions an opportunity to explore the culture, business environment, industry, and select companies in Asia.
Content: Multinational teams of six students (two students per team from each participating school) will study managerial issues with an emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region. The teams are given a real client with a specific issue to research. The practicum concludes with a team trip to finalize their research, meet with the client company, and produce a business case report. The location of the trip rotates annually among the three host countries. Years hosted by NTU will not require GMBA students to travel.
Duration: One Semester
Application Procedure: CVs of applicants are required once the course is announced. Qualified applicants may be invited to interview, of which twelve will be selected.
Expenses: It varies depending on the cities where we conduct the study trip. Normally students are required to pay for their accommodation, travel, and other personal expenses.
Phone: +886-2-3366-1030
Fax: +886-2-3366-5411
Room 903, Building I, College of Management,
No. 1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106,