3 Guest Speeches in Spring 2024- STMicroelectronics, Asink and ARM
3 Guest Speeches in Spring 2024- STMicroelectronics, Asink and ARM
The first speech - STMicroelectronics

On April 22nd, GMBA IMP hosted an exclusive networking event featuring representatives from STMicroelectronics, a global leader in the semiconductor industry. The highlight of the event was the presence of their General Manager, Giuseppe Izzo, who shared invaluable insights into the current state and future trends of the industry.


The event offered GMBA students a unique opportunity to gain industry insights directly from leaders and network for potential internship positions at STMicroelectronics. Students interested in these opportunities were advised to bring their CVs for potential consideration. The event fostered meaningful interactions, with students asking about career paths in the industry and receiving valuable career advice.


The event’s success extended beyond the scheduled program. After the presentation, many enthusiastic students who are eager to learn continued the discussion with the representatives in the public space outside of the venue. The high level of engagement showcased students’ interest in the field.


Overall, the event is a resounding success. It served as a bridge between academia and industry. Students gained valuable firsthand knowledge about the workings of a leading semiconductor company and explored potential career paths.

The second speech - Asink


On April 29th, GMBA IMP hosted a networking event featuring representatives from Asink, a leading company specializing in heat dissipation products and services. The highlight of the event was a presentation by Asink's CEO, Mr. Tom Liu. He shared his company's technological expertise and product knowledge, providing valuable insights into the world of thermal management solutions. This presentation offered GMBA students a unique opportunity to learn about thermal management solutions and its real-world applications.


Following the presentation, a facilitated networking session allowed students to connect with Asink representatives on a personal level. Students gained valuable career advice and explored potential internship opportunities at Asink. Asink offers internships across various locations including China, Vietnam, and Taipei, providing a fantastic chance for GMBA students to gain international industry experience.


The event fostered a vibrant atmosphere of learning and engagement. Many students took advantage of the opportunity to ask detailed questions about specific career paths within Asink and the thermal management industry as a whole.


Overall, this event provided GMBA students with a valuable opportunity to learn from industry experts, explore career paths in thermal management, and potentially gain international experience through Asink's internship program.

The third speech - ARM


On May 6th, GMBA IMP hosted the 3rd and last event of the semester featuring ARM, a global leader in semiconductor software design architecture. The presenter shared about the foundation of the semiconductor industry, what the company has done in recent years, as well as explain the usage and application of the CPU and subsystems for every target market. Arm technology is building the future of computing.


On May 6th, GMBA IMP concluded its third and final event of the Spring 2024 semester with a captivating session featuring ARM, a global leader in semiconductor software design architecture. This final event provided students with a deep dive into the world of semiconductor design, its impact on various industries, and the exciting career opportunities offered by ARM.


The ARM representative delivered an insightful presentation that explored the fundamental building blocks of the semiconductor industry. Students gained a clear understanding of the industry's historical foundation and the role ARM has played in its evolution. The presentation then transitioned to the exciting future ARM is shaping through its innovative design architecture. The presentation also shared the practical applications of ARM technology. This detailed explanation provided students with valuable insights into how ARM's technology empowers a wide range of devices, from smartphones and laptops to the ever-expanding Internet of Things (IoT).


The event wasn't solely focused on imparting knowledge. Throughout the session, students actively engaged with the ARM representative, exploring potential career paths within the company.  This interactive format provided a valuable platform for students to learn about the diverse job opportunities available at ARM.


The first speech - STMicroelectronics

The second speech - Asink

The third speech - ARM