On May 24th, students from the Financial Reporting and Organizational Behavior classes embarked on an enlightening corporate visit to Century Wind...more
The NTU EMBA Presidential Cup Basketball Tournament, held on December 14-15, 2024, at the NTU Medical Sports Stadium, brought together talent, determi...more
In a remarkable experience-sharing event held on November 28th, two of our Global MBA (GMBA) program's brightest minds, Jean and Masaru, captivate...more
In the realm of aspiring leaders, the acronym L.I.V.E. embodies the indispensable qualities of Leadership, Innovation, Vision, and Entrepreneurship, s...more
The Moon Festival Movie Night was absolutely Over The Moon! On the night of September 28th, just before the long mid-autumn weekend, GMBAers gathered ...more
Welcome and welcome back! After two weeks of diving into the whirlwind of school life, it's time to kick back and enjoy our Welcome Back Party. Th...more
A group of enterprising students is making headlines as they gear up for the finals of the prestigious 2023 Hult Prize Competition in Paris. Jean Lin,...more