7+ days before defense

At least 7 days before the day of the oral defense,

  • Submit your thesis to your advisor and the committee members in soft or hard copy, based on their advices

  • Follow up with your committee to ensure that they have received it

  • Complete the 3.Google Form to submit your oral defense application

Thesis Similarity Checking-Turnitin

In Taiwan, all postgraduate students need to have 6 hours of academic ethics course as a foundation to provide a good and ethical thesis. Before they graduate, their thesis has to do a similarity checking, and GMBA students must reach a plagiarism score no higher than 15%, excluding all references, correctly cited in-text quotations, and sources less than 1% as determined by the preset Turnitin filter.

When to do it?

Do it with your final version of the thesis after your oral defense. However, some advisors may request their students to do it before the defense; if this is the case, please do it both before and after your defense.

How to do it?
GMBA office will have a course at NTU COOL for this similarity checking. We will add you as one of the course students, and you will then receive an email from NTU COOL. Follow the instructions and upload your thesis as an assisgnment, then you will receive your score in 5-10 minutes.

What should I do with the report?
Please check if your percentages comply with GMBA requirements.
By clicking on the percentage, you will see the breakdown. Check with your wording or sentences and see how they are duplicated with some other papers. Make the corrections and reupload again. Please check the Thesis Handbook if you need some guidance.


How can I re-upload my thesis for another check?
Turnitin can only have 1 thesis of you at one time. If you need to upload a new version for checking, please inform the GMBA office during office hours and we will delete the old one for you then you can have a new one. 

How can I submit the report?
Please upload your report to us together with your finalized thesis after your defense. Please note that we need a report with a "percentage", not a receipt.