Ho, Chaney
Adjunct Professor Rank Specialist
/ / chaneyho@ntu.edu.tw
Office Hour :
Chang, Jia-King
Adjunct Professor Rank Specialist
/ +886-932925711 / jkchang@ntu.edu.tw
Office Hour : Mobile : 0932-925711
Chao, Ta-Wei
Adjunct Professor Rank Specialist
/ / taweichao@ntu.edu.tw
Office Hour : davidchao1974@hotmail.com
Chen, Eddie M.
Adjunct Professor Rank Specialist
Building I, College of Management / / eddiemchen@ntu.edu.tw
Office Hour : echen@adb.org
Hsieh, Yuan Horng
Adjunct Professor Rank Specialist
/ / jhsieh@ntu.edu.tw
Office Hour :
Email: ntugmba@ntu.edu.tw
Phone: +886-2-3366-1030
Fax: +886-2-3366-5411
Room 903, Building I, College of Management,
No. 1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106,