GMBA Career Workshop: Session I
Published At:2023-03-10 
 2023-11-17 updated
On March 10th, GMBA held a workshop at R403, which marked the beginning of a series of three upcoming workshops. The focus of this particular workshop was on CV writing and the use of LinkedIn.
Firstly, Alan addressed the topic of CV and cover letters. He provided answers to several frequently asked questions about making CVs, such as how many pages are best, what to highlight on a CV, and whether to include a profile picture or not. He also encouraged questions from the participants during his talk, allowing them to gain various perspectives by sharing or listening to others. After discussing the points listed in the slides, Alan demonstrated a few CV examples to help everyone visualize and understand the concepts.
The second topic of the workshop was on fully utilizing LinkedIn. Alan emphasized that the purpose of using LinkedIn is to connect with others. He elaborated on how to maintain an online presence for recruiters and provided suggestions on how to phrase messages when trying to connect with people in your industry.

The workshop commenced with a light dinner for the participants and a brief opening speech by Professor Leon. Alan McIvor, our lecturer, who is an experienced headhunter, then proceeded to deliver his lecture. 
Finally, the workshop concluded with a Q&A session. Participants shared their experiences and observations in their respective industries and asked Alan for his professional opinion. The lively chat and atmosphere during the session demonstrated that both the participants and the lecturer had a good time exchanging experience.