GMBA Unity Ball 2022: Masquerade
Published At:2022-12-01 
 2022-12-06 updated
GMBA Unity Ball, the biggest event of year, was finally back and celebrated with great enthusiasm on Saturday, 29th October at Palais De Chine Hotel near Taipei Main Station. It was an awesome and marvelous night with a large crowd of roughly 200 people in attendance including GMBA current students, alumni, professors, GMBA office, industry and EMBA representative. Other MBA program representatives from NCCU, NYCU, and NTUST were also invited to the ball.

At half past six, the event was kicked-off for reception with cocktail party which was sponsored by Professor Chen Chien-Hao. Everyone showed up dressed elegantly in suits and dresses. This year theme was Masquerade Gala as the event held on Halloween weekend, and the formal dress color code was black, white, red and silver. While waiting for the main event to begin, guest arrived one by one enjoys sipping the beer and soft drinks served at the entrance, greeting friends and meeting new people. At the same time, a queue of people formed in front of photobooth ready for their turn to capture great photos. It was only the beginning, but the mood was already party-like.

The ball officially began at 7 p.m., and everyone sat at the pre-arranged table, with a gift package placed in each seat. The event began with a dancing demonstration before our Student Council President, Helen, opened the night with a speech and a warm greeting to everyone attending the gala tonight. This is in appreciation of the hard work of the student council members who made this event possible again this year.  Furthermore, the SC president, on behalf of the entire GMBA family, expresses our heartfelt gratitude to all sponsors who take part to make this event happened and more prosperous by donating money and many goods in gift package such as perfume, toothpaste, toothbrush, hair shampoo, tea bag, mineral water, clothes fragrant, face mask and vouchers. Following that was Professor Leon and sponsor’s representative speech, demonstrated their impression.

As party start, the delectable of meal was served with wine and whisky sponsored by The Glenlivet, the Taiwan Edition 12-years whisky. The music began to play and drown out to the party mood, while some individual walking around the hall greeting and toasting to one another. Everyone had a good time with their friends and was ready to make new connections. Later at the night, it was time to announce the Best Dressed Winner of the Night award, which had been cast by all participants by QR code throughout the celebration. The award was given to Helen, who wore a long silver gown and Tuvshin, who silver suit, they were perfectly suitable for this award. Nonetheless, everyone looked stunning and dashing that night. Following the award announcement, there was a raffle draw for a range of dental goods items sponsored by our R10, Tom (Attraction Dr.) and one prize of Basketball Game Tickets. The ball come to ended at 10:30 PM by group photo shooting and dance time. Last but not least, for those who want to have second round of party, there was an unofficially after-party that initiated by our GMBAer and everyone is welcome to attend.

The enjoyment makes the party night fly by. This event demonstrates that our GMBAers work hard and play hard at the same time; they are not only outstanding in class or at work, but they also have a lot of energy when it comes to partying. All thanks to the student council for organizing this wondrous party where GMBA members and affiliates gathered and united as one family. Can’t wait to join this awesome gala once again next year.

 (Written by GMBA student Yong Sreyleak)

GMBA一年一度的重大盛事 Unity Ball 在10月29日星期六的晚間,於台北車站附近的君品酒店隆重舉行。將近200多位的GMBA學生、校友、教員及台大EMBA的校友齊聚一堂,共度一個美好的夜晚。此外,今年也邀請來自政大、陽明交大和臺科大的 MBA學生代表,透過這次的活動彼此交流。
準時六點半,Unity Ball由陳千浩教授所贊助的雞尾酒派對拉開序幕,賓客穿著優雅的禮服及正裝入場。今年舉辦的時機適逢萬聖節週末,因此主題是應景的面具舞會,主色調為黑白、紅金。在等待節目開始的同時,賓客陸續抵達,有人一邊啜飲入口處招待的飲品,一邊與朋友寒暄交談,也有人在一旁用會場提供的拍貼機與朋友一起合拍大頭貼。即使舞會尚未開始,氣氛已漸漸炒熱。
七點一到舞會正式開始,賓客一一入座,座位上早已擺上貼心小禮品。首先登場的是一段舞蹈表演,緊接著是學生會會長 Helen 的開場致詞。她在演說中感謝學生會成員的共同努力,讓今晚的活動可以順利舉行;此外,她代表全體GMBA大家庭感謝所有提供贊助金額以及贊助禮品袋中的各類香水、口罩、票卷等公關品的廠商,最後由 Leon教授及贊助廠商分別上台簡短致詞。
隨著端上桌的美味餐點,以及搭配格蘭利威贊助的12年台灣版威士忌,派對的氣氛逐漸升高,音樂的播放,四處走動、暢談及敬酒的人們,好久不見的相擁問候,讓歡樂時光一下子來到頒發最佳服裝獎的時間。這個獎項是由所有與會者掃描QR CODE 投票選出的,而今年的最佳服裝獎得主就是穿著一身銀色長禮服的學生會長Helen,以及來自蒙古的銀馬王子Tuvshin。頒獎結束後緊接著一連串刺激的摸彩,獎品包括由R10 的Tom提供的口腔衛生用品以及籃球比賽門票。最後,派對的結尾是拍傳統團體照與自由跳舞的時間。不過,許多人仍意猶未盡地繼續前往由GMBA學生會舉辦的「續攤」活動。
愉快的夜晚總是過得特別迅速,這次的活動充分展現GMBA學生「認真工作,認真玩」的傳統精神。他們不只在課堂及工作中表現傑出,在派對中也釋放出極大的熱情與能量。最後,感謝學生會籌辦這次的Unity Ball,讓GMBA大家庭再次緊緊聯繫在一起,相信眾人已迫不及待想再參與明年的聚會。