Published At:2022-05-25
Views:223 2022-12-01 updated
A truly memorable event took place on Wednesday, May 25th at National Taiwan University. FarEasTone Telecommunications (FET) partnered the first time with College of Management to hold a business proposal competition in order to spark students' inventiveness. Students, both undergrad and postgrad were welcomed to present innovative business ideas for the Cloud Services and Telemedicine industry, as both topics are believed to shape the digital future. Professor Hu (Dean of College of Management), Professor Audrey Hsu (Director of GMBA) and Chee Ching (President of FET) kicked off the event with an opening speech. They expressed their excitement for this competition to shorten the way between campus and industry for future leaders. Professor Charles Chang (College of Management), the competition advisor, was leading the event with supports from a group of GMBA students, Marten Dreger, Thinn Thuzar Htet, and Gigi Wong. In total 10 teams competed with each other. The first team to present was an all Vietnam team. They proposed an idea to apply services in the hospitality industry in Vietnam to solve for today’s fragmented management system. The country being the 4th biggest economy in Asia with a young, internet savvy population, suggesting their idea could create a better end-to-end user journey. In recent years there has been an alarming amount of fake drugs sold to patients. The all European team WKD hence proposed the idea to counterfeit fake medicine in Thailand with a database to list and track drugs. Team Wolves suggested a cloud system for e-commerce in Thailand and Team 商競貴賓狗 (Business Poodle) pitched a cloud system to bring retail in Vietnam to the next level. Last but not least Team Adapt pitched a cloud based POS (Point of Sales) system, which would offer different types of services to the food industry in the Philippines and a detailed financial plan, proving the business could be profitable within 3 years. The second part of the event was all about the future of telemedicine. As the population of many countries is aging and the world further progresses towards digitalization this is believed to be a highly relevant topic. Team Dogers suggest a telemedicine platform in Indonesia, especially for Jakarta as many people get stuck in traffic and spend multiple hours to reach their doctor. All Indonesian Team Fun-tastic four pitched an app for mental health support to tackle the pressing issue of depression amongst the young generation in Indonesia. Team Hybrid 120 had quite a different group of people in mind by targeting elderly people with chronic health issues to create a digital platform to monitor their health. Team Nearlink suggested a platform to partner with healthcare providers and monitor people’s health remotely in Indonesia. Team P multiple 3 presented the user journey of a Thai citizen traveling from the suburbs of Bangkok to downtown. They showed that the patient spends many hours in traffic and waiting lines, so the team pitched a telemedicine platform to make online appointments with doctors, which would make the patient’s life much easier. A panel of judges of industry experts and NTU professors announced the winners after a short period of debating: The winners of Cloud competition: 1. Adapt 2. The Movers 3. Wolves The winners of Telemedicine competition: 1. P multiple 3 2. Fun-tastic Four 3. Dogers The judges were intrigued by Team Adapt’s feasible, yet innovative business plan and P multiple 3’s creative user journey. It was an afternoon full of exciting new business ideas with plenty of food for thoughts. We hope the collaboration between FET and NTU will continue for many years to come. (Written by GMBA student Elisabeth Kreitschmann) ![]() 2022 台大GMBA & 遠傳電信英語商業提案競賽 5 月 25 日在台灣大學管理學院有一場既興奮又特別的活動: 遠傳電信首次與管理學院合辦英語商業提案競賽。由於近日疫情升溫,本次比賽改為線上進行,卻未因此影響學生們滿滿的創造力。 這次的提案競賽是開放給全校的大學部與研究所學生自由參加,比賽隊伍必須就雲端服務(Cloud)和遠距醫療(Telemedicine)提出他們的創新商業理念,而會挑選這兩個主題是因為它們是電信事業未來的發展新趨勢。 正式比賽開始前,指導競賽隊伍的張佳欽老師分別邀請管理學院胡星陽院長與遠傳電信井琪總經理致歡迎詞,接著由負責本次商業提案競賽的台大GMBA執行長許文馨教授對參賽選手給予勉勵。他們除了表達對這次競賽的興奮之情,也希望能藉由此番活動縮短學術與產業間的距離。比賽過程中,評審委員團分別由台大與遠傳電信共同組成,他們認真聽取學生對於雲端服務和遠距醫療的看法,以及學生對於某些特定地區或國家所提出的可行計畫。 這次共有10支隊伍進入決賽,每隊成員從1人到4人不等,學生分別來自9個國家。打頭陣的The Movers是四位越南籍的GMBA學生,他們提出將雲端服務應用在越南的飯店觀光業,以解決當前此行業所面臨到的雜亂未經整合的各種管理系統。該國是亞洲第四大經濟體,擁有年輕、高依賴網路的人口,他們相信他們提出的作法可創造更好的客戶體驗。 根據泰國境內的統計,近年來販售給患者的偽藥數量相當驚人,來自歐洲的3位學生的WKD,他們提出在泰國建立一套藥品資料庫,藉此來條列統整藥品與跟蹤偽藥流向的想法。 Wolves隊伍是為泰國的電子商務提出一個雲端系統,商競貴賓狗(Business Poodle)則提出另一套雲端系統,將越南的零售業提升到一個新的水平。 最後Adapt隊推出了雲端資料庫 POS(銷售點)系統,該系統將為菲律賓的食品行業提供不同類型的服務和詳細的財務規劃,並使公司能在 3 年內實現利潤。 短暫中場休息後,競賽進入到下半場的討論未來遠端醫療。隨着許多國家的人口老年化,以及世界各國致力於數位化推展,老年人口的遠端醫療被一致認為是高討論議題。 由GMBA的日本籍與印尼籍同學組成的Dogers提出在印尼建立一套遠程醫療平台,尤其是在首都雅加達,許多人常常有被繁忙的交通堵在路上看不了病的經驗,每次總要花上幾個小時才看得到醫生。此外,由全是印尼籍的Fun-tastic four推出一款用於促進心理健康的應用軟體,以解決印尼年輕一代的抑鬱問題。 Hybrid 120是一隊由不同所學專長的大學部學生所組成的,他們特別為患有慢性疾病的老年人創建一個數位平台來監控他們的健康狀況。 Nearlink是單槍匹馬上陣的GMBA學生,他提出了一個可與提供醫療保健的單位合作的平台,並在印尼以遠程監控人們的健康狀況。 同樣也是GMBA學生的P multiple 3,他們藉由透過一位泰國民眾如何從曼谷郊區到市中心看病的實境路線,讓評審更貼近使用者的感受。他們認為患者在交通往返與等候看診中浪費了很多時間,因此他們推出了一個遠程醫療平台讓患者與醫生進行線上預約,使患者的生活更加便利。 在全部10隊依序完成簡報與QA後,評審委員開始進行激烈的討論,並決定出以下的獲獎名單: 雲端服務的優勝者 第一名: Adapt 第二名: The Movers 第三名: Wolves 遠端醫療的優勝者 第一名: P multiple 3 第二名: Fun-tastic Four 第三名: Dogers 總結而言,評審委員們對Adapt所提出的創新商業計劃期望很高,而P multiple 3以使用戶的角度來闡述用戶經驗的手法很感興趣。這個午後聽到許多令人興奮的新創議題,希望未來遠傳電信和台大能長久合作,讓學生繼續帶來更多意想不到的發揮。 |
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