Published At:2015-09-24
Views:135 2017-02-12 updated
Global MBA Orientation 2015
The Global MBA orientation was held on 13 Sep.
We have more than 40 new international and local students attended the orientation. It started with an ice-breaking activity in the morning. Students were divided into groups to work on interesting tasks. The highlight of the morning program was the marshmallow challenge. This is a fun and instructive exercise that encourages teamwork, innovation and creativity. Teams were given 20 sticks of spaghetti, tape, string and marshmallow to build the tallest freestanding building. The marshmallow needs to be on top. At the end of the challenge, the students had a short retrospective meeting to share their experiences; everyone had fun and enjoyed themselves.
In the afternoon, Dean of College of Management Prof Andy Guo, Associate Dean & Director of GMBA Program Prof Chan-Jane Lin, Associate Director Mr. Steven Hsu, Professor Miriam Garvi and Professor Jung Yun Han gave inspiring speeches to our new GMBA students about cultivating the right values, right attitudes and right skill-sets as future leaders. Alumni also shared his personal experience during his graduate study years. For the last activity of the day, students were given live case study collaboration. The case was designed to open students’ eyes and minds to the broad and complex real life business issues.
The day ended with laughter, the orientation was fun and informative, it geared the students toward building strong relationship and preparing them for academia.
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No. 1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106,