Ford Automobiles and Yuanta Funds
Published At:2019-01-01 
 2022-12-01 updated
We have gained some valuable experiences by joining the CARDO TCP program with Ford and Yuanta Funds. Right from the start of our first class with Ford, we valued the viewpoints of senior managers who shared their experiences, linking us to the practical work of the company. They gave the students the opportunity to participate by brainstorming a real case study related to Ford’s supply chain management. Two classes were hosted at Ford in Chongli, and both trips were unforgettable. The factory tour to observe the whole production line, which includes both labor and automation, was eye-opening. We found that Ford emphasizes employee safety and pays close attention to small details. To give a lecture on inventory management more explicitly, the senior managers came up with some interactive games to describe how the department works. These activities helped us both to learn and to relate the information gained to real company scenarios.



d put into the program to benefit the students. Not only did we learn theories of supply chain management and quality control, we also had the opportunity to put the theories to use by analyzing case studies Ford provided for us.From the classes Ford had designed for TCP students, we observed how much effort Ford ha
The core values that Ford emphasizes, including personal relationships between employees and customers and community involvement, have broadened our understanding of local companies like Ford.

chance in our last class to create a final report and present it to GM, including top managers from different departments. During the discussion, Yuanta Funds assigned one mentor to each team as advisors. We were given valuable suggestions from GM and top managers after presenting our final report. We will not forget what we learned from the program.As to the experience with Yuanta Funds, the company not only provided well-planned training but also invited speakers who have experience in financial investment to share their practical experience and professional knowledge development. During the training, we were taught by several managers from stock or bond investing departments and who shared some of their fundamental investment analysis methods and observations regarding current market trends. Moreover, we were given the
We really appreciate all the managers and HR from Yuanta Funds, Ford, and CARDO from the College of Management for providing this opportunity, as well as a useful platform for students to learn practical industry knowledge.

文: GMBA辦公室

中英文撰寫者: GMBA一年級 賴筱婷、張惠音

此次很榮幸能參與台大管院希望種子培訓計畫分別與福特汽車和元大投信的合作,整個培訓的過程讓我們收穫豐碩。從開始的第一堂課,福特物流高階主管不藏私地分享授課,課程中進行虛擬專案演練,模擬真實商業突發情況發生時該如何應對。其後有兩堂課是在中壢的福特六和工廠進行,一次是參觀工廠生廠線,另一次是進行實地互動式教學。參觀生廠線時,講員要求所有人需配戴頭盔以及防護眼鏡,全副武裝的防護看得出福特對於安全以及小細節的重視; 而他的全自動化生產線更讓人大開眼界,也順帶警惕自己須努力充實專業能力,以免未來被智慧機器人與機械自動化所取代。第二次到福特六和上課,主管們設計了互動遊戲讓我們參與其中,藉此感受物流在控管三千多個汽車零組件時,經常面臨的複雜問題。參與福特的培訓計畫,著實感受到福特主管與人資同仁在設計課程上的用心,以及福特企業在回饋社會這部分所展現出的行動力。參與的學員們無論在硬知識物流與品質管理知識方面的增進,或是在軟實力的待人處事、回饋社會以及未來職涯規劃等各方面,均被激盪出許多火花。
