E.Sun Talent Cultivation Scholarship
Published At:2022-11-28 
 2022-12-06 updated

Since 2005 E.SUN Bank has founded E.SUN FHC and rewarded outstanding talents from various areas, such as Information Technology, Nursing, Literature and Performance. In 2018, E.Sun Bank and GMBA started a partnership in financing ASEAN students, as well. This year, three GMBA students have granted with a scholarship which once again shows a proof that GMBA program is full with talents. 
On Nov 4, three of our GMBA Students, Sharon, Dellena, and Scarlett proudly received the E.SUN Scholarship. The event was grandly held at the E.SUN Bank Headquarters with the attendance of the responsible people from E.SUN Bank such as the CEO, Founder, Directors, managers, and the awardees and their parents. 
The ceremony started with the CEO's speech about their value to the young talents, he believes talent is a key indicator and a leading indicator so they wish the students can focus on their studies, continue strengthening their professional abilities, and develop the right values so that they have outstanding performance in each field and exert greater influence on society later. Then, 35 selected talents among hundreds of applicants, from different universities and industries were awarded. Each student provided a deep gratitude speech to E.Sun Bank, about their dreams and promised to make good use of this scholarship award. Later, E.Sun bank provided a buffet lunch to all the awardees and guests and gave small gifts. During lunch, they got to talk with employees from different branches of E.Sun, learned about the working environment in E.Sun, and had a fun time.
Sharon received ESUN Business Management Talent Scholarship and Dellena and Scarlett received E.SUN ASEAN Talent Cultivation Scholarship. Let’s hear some heartfelt thank you messages. Dellena said, “I simply feel blessed and deeply grateful for receiving the scholarship. The support offered by E.Sun Bank gives me the confidence to pursue my dream and keep my commitment to giving back to the community”. Scarlett said, I am so humble and grateful for the award, as this will relieve a lot of my financial burden, especially in this hard time in my country. And Sharon said, “I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected to receive the ESUN scholarship award. Moreover, I felt honored to be gathered with such talented and self-motivated people, and their remarks were inspiring as well”
This awarding ceremony proved that GMBA is full of students who are not only professional but also academically strong. We are really proud of our students for receiving the scholarship.

(Written by GMBA Student Scarlett Htet Htet Aung)

玉山銀行於2005年創立玉山傑出人才獎學金,獎勵的對象包括資訊科技、護理、文學、表演藝術等不同領域的學生,2018年開始與GMBA合作,新增東協人才獎學金的學項。今年一共有三位GMBA 學生同時獲得玉山培育人才獎學金,這等殊榮再次證明GMBA的人才濟濟。
11月4號,三名GMBA學生分別為台灣籍的Sharon、越南籍的Dellena和緬甸籍的 Scarlett 榮獲玉山獎學金。頒獎活動在玉山銀行總部隆重舉行,包括玉山銀行的董事長、創辦人、高階主管、經理以及受獎人皆出席盛會。