Moon Festival celebrations with Global MBA Family

Moon Festival celebrations with Global MBA Family

Source: GMBA Shyam Shankar RAMACHANDRAN

This Moon festival, the Global MBA family came together to celebrate in a traditional Taiwanese Style. The event was organized by the Student Council of the Global MBA and a group of student volunteers.

Sixty-eight students, faculty, staff, and alumni, along with friends and family from 10 different nationalities gathered at Wenshan Farm Park in Xindian. We were blessed by pleasant weather, throughout the day.

Despite mild showers in the afternoon, everyone still put on traditional hats and baskets to try plucking tea leaves from the organic farm. The farm also provided a tea experience, where the nuances of making tea were explained.

A pomelo drawing competition grouped students into teams, who drew their collective ideas. From Rabbits and Swans to Manga characters, creativity and storytelling ability was in full display.

The funniest event might have been the pomelo peeling event where Taiwanese students proved that experience counts more than strength — if you want to quickly peel pomelos.

Prizes were sponsored by Celia Yang, Associate Director of the Global MBA and were distributed by the Chief Guest of the day, Dr. Chialin Chen, Director of the Global MBA program. Moon cakes were shared, together with stories about the Moon festival. The night ended with a huge spread of barbecue under the bright moon light.

Special thanks to: Brandwerk ltd, who sponsored Super Bock beverages for the event. Proceeds from the sales will support an orphanage. Also, Global MBA students Ester Li, Rufo Calderon, Jenny Phan, Letsiwe Kimuli Edwards, Sergii Naboichenko, Justin Hu, Danny Huang, Jason Hwang, R. Shyam Shankar and  Philip Chang. With all your help makes this event a successful one!!

管院Global MBA 師生家人慶中秋


撰文者: GMBA二年級Shyam Shankar RAMACHANDRAN 羅識恩

今年的中秋節,Global MBA的家人們難得群聚在一起,以台灣的傳統方式一同慶祝這個節日。這次的活動是由Global MBA學生會與數名熱心的新生共同舉辦的,總共邀請了68位分別來自十個不同國家的學生、教職員工、校友、親人與朋友一齊來到位於台北南端的文山公園同歡。



兩場比賽的獎品分別由Global MBA的楊嘉嫻副執行長提供贊助,並由當日特別嘉賓Global MBA的陳家麟執行長頒發。傍晚上場的烤肉大會師,看著大家手忙腳亂的升火烤肉,品嘗著可口的月餅並搭配甘醇的茶湯,台灣同學轉述記憶中嫦娥玉兔的神話故事給外國同學聽,那種中秋節家人團聚一堂的溫馨氣氛已不言而喻。

這次Global MBA的團圓慶中秋就在終於露臉的皎潔明月的陪伴下順利結束,而 Brandwerk公司當天所贊助的飲品,其銷售結餘款也將成為Global MBA多年來不間斷資助孤兒院的活動基金。另外,要特別感謝以下的GMBA同學,Ester Li, Rufo Calderon, Jenny Phan, Letsiwe Kimuli Edwards, Sergii Naboichenko, Justin Hu, Danny Huang, Jason Hwang, R. Shyam Shankar and  Philip Chang。因為有你們的大力協助,這次的活動才得以圓滿順利的落幕。